
Child Obesity “Ultimate” Cure

Good morning, or good evening, depending where in the world you may be.

If you have read any of my articles you may realise by now that my writing style is more akin to those writers who tell it like it is, no fluffy bits, no fat, pardon the pun and especially NO BS.

Sorry to be so blunt but it is true there is enough BS in the world today and at least Barrack Obama the President of the USA is taking a more poignant stance by telling it like it is because deep down he firmly believes that the people of America, and the people of the world, have waited long enough for a no-nonsense approach where BS is a thing of the past.

Of course time will tell if what is said today is the outcome of tomorrow!! But rest assured Barrack Obama has started by taking positive action and will continue in a manner to which the people of America will come to respect and admire.

So what is the bearing of the above have to do with my child’s overweight condition.........?

Just to lay the foundation I would like to confirm the following important points;

  •   You are an intelligent person
  •  Good at what you do, in fact you are probably very good at your work and know how to enjoy yourself to the full.......... Excellent!!
  •   A loving parent
  • A giving person who is selfless and a proud home owner whether you’re in rented or mortgaged accommodation, the fact remains the same you love having a home to care for and enjoy.

Now let’s reflect on your teenage children.....

·        They see Mon and Dad as a bank.... pay for this, pay for that

·        They see the home as a place to hang out, sleepovers etc.

·        They see the kitchen/larder as a free deli... always stocked!

·        They see the home as a place to slob around, do nothing, watch videos and play games hour after hour after hour.

Now I’m sure your saying to yourself that my child is none of the above and I am  happy for you that that is the case as most of the children/teenagers today do look at the home as one or more of the above........

Let’s assume for one moment that your kids do have one or more of the above conditions and let’s assume that your kids love you to bits and would do anything for you........which is great!

Now let’s assume for one moment that you decide to raise a subject over supper, assuming that the whole family eats together around the table...good now going back to the task at hand ... yes you are intending to raise a subject at supper that you firmly believe will have a profound impact on the family as a whole and on your kids individually.

You start the conversation; being a tactician that you are and after rehearsing your pitch over and over again days ahead of supper to make sure you have covered all the base points to bring in your mind a happy conclusion....you open the conversation with your eldest.... “Honey, how was school today? What did you have for lunch??”.....by this time your eldest now suspects something is up and mutters something that sounds like a foreign language.

Anyway you move on even though the conversation at this time is terribly one sided and not going to plan but you persist and keep your tone light hearted and flexible............several minutes go past that seem like an eternity and finally you decide that enough is enough and you almost shout it out “Let’s go for a walk on Sunday after lunch. ” There you have done it told it like it is and after a few moments of hesitation at the table everyone agrees to your good idea.

So you see, your preparation and anxiety has paid off by “Telling It Like It Is” now all you need to do is follow through, make the walk enjoyable by bringing a tennis ball to throw and tennis racket and you have the beginning of what will over time flourish into fun times together where the whole family bonds, you gain more respect and your kids get much needed exercise.

The “Ultimate Cure” is YOU..... As you have what it takes to bring about change in your life and the lives of your kids?

Be patient, yes I know you are saying that it will be difficult one, but hey, if it was so easy we would all look like Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolly!!

So you need HELP.......we all need support some more often than others and you must not feel proud or unworthy as a parent by asking for help...We are here to give you that push and to provide you with the building blocks to bring about lifestyle changes for the long term. 

Brian Grasso the CEO of “IYCA” International Youth Conditioning Association has successfully coached and mentored over 10,000 kids worldwide and has achieved what no other fitness or health guru has done is to bring;

     ·        Long-term lifestyle changes in the home
·        Elevate self esteem
·        Boost confidence
·        Get your kids to move more

 His latest best sellerThe youth Obesity Solutionis a must read you will not want to put this book down as it is packed with FUN, FUN and more FUN for you and the whole family. 

You will also receive additional books/Audio written by the very best to include;

·        Kelli Calabrese – International Fitness Celebrity and Mom

·        Holly Rigby’s – Fit-Fast-4-Week Workout

·        Jayson Hunter – Healthy Eating for Kids

Each acknowledges and has come to respect Brian Grasso as the “Best of the Best”.

In addition you will receive a regular News Letter bringing you up to the minute help and support to keep you on track as a loving parent and to keep your kids in the groove so that you are all pointing in the same direction. 

Please Remember

“The Life of your Child is in Your Hands”


Take Positive Action Now and come and Join all those Happy Families by securing your copy of

The Youth Obesity Solution




Brought to you by Robert Parson

Copyright 2008-2009


Youth Obesity

Spin or Freeze?


Tuesday afternoon February 2nd cosy indoors buy crisp and snowy outdoors; yes it has been showing here in blighty (UK) for a couple of days. The experts claim that it has not snowed like this for over two decades. I must admit it does seem a lot longer than that when I woke up to literally 12” of fluffy white snow.

What was really wonderful yesterday is that there were no cars on the road, few trains and not any trains were running where we live in Surrey and you won’t believe this, we certainly didn’t....there were families playing in the snow in the road.

We mucked in with a snowball fight against the kids who were on the opposite site of the road, it was great fun as everyone forgot about their troubles with the economic downturn, their spirits were lifted, big smiles on their faces and laughter in the air which has been absent for a very long time here in the UK and this probably applies to other parts of the word too.

After the snowball fight, which us parents lost,  we ended up drinking piping hot chocolate and talking in general until the conversation was engineered by Christine one of the mum’s who began telling us about her unusual experiences during a spa vacation in the US recently.

We were in stitches laughing at the tales she was telling us that she was encouraged to partake in order to lose fat!!

Can you imagine taking ice cold showers? Er... NO!!

Can you imagine spinning round like a top? Er... NO!!

As she was going through her daily rituals over the fourteen days at the spa I began to ponder at the implications of trying to motivate the children and youth of today to even contemplate doing the above let alone physically spinning on the spot or taking ice cold showers at the fear of renal failure or passing out and injuring yourself.

Can you image your child spinning like a top, losing balance and banging their head on the coffee table, your child is out cold now try to move that dead weight, it is very very difficult.

I must admit I was fascinated by the story Christine was telling us yesterday so I contacted a couple of physicians for clarity and I was pleasantly surprised at what they came back with.

Apparently, just checking my notes as I busily scribbled away as Tom spoke on the phone  - I must apologise if I am not 100% accurate on this one but do bear with me....as I was saying, there are several glands within the body part of the Endocrine System that serve to balance your metabolism, growth, weight, hormone and how you feel.

They seem to work together when they are circulating round and round within you just like a spinning top so when they are in tune or moving at a constant velocity you are in fact quite healthy and the opposite applies when you not healthy with the circulating slowing down....I hope this make some sense to you.

So to recap; does spinning like a top lose weight and make you feel wonderful well perhaps it does I am not 100 % convinced but there seems to be a plethora of unusual nuances to assist in losing weight or making you feel better in yourself.

Going back to our overweight and obese kids can you see your kids getting to grips with “Spinning” other than perhaps to have a laugh!!! I think not, especially if your kid is sensitive and lacking in confidence then having the family make a mockery would probably be the last straw.

Therefore, I can recommend you to look at alternatives but with your eyes wide open if it sounds too scary or pie in the sky then use my expression “If in Doubt – Back Out”.

Stability, focus and support will be the ingredients needed to bring about massive amounts of change in your child this will be achieved by aligning yourself with the very best that money can buy.....bit of a misconception but I thought I would throw you a curve ball....money does not buy you happiness; health or love....we all know this.

With that thought in mind “The Youth Obesity Solution” by Brian Grasso who is the founder and CEO of IYCA in America is the authority on getting children to move more, feel good about themselves and gives that all important support that is so badly needed.

We strongly recommend that you (Click Here) and visit Brian Grasso on the other side who will show you the path to take to achieving your long term goals and immediate short term goal which will include his amazing “60 Day FUN Packed program”.

Thank you for reading this article, I have enjoyed writing it from the heart and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future with your testimonials.

I am now going sledging -  time to be a BIG KID............


Brought to you by Robert Parson
Copyright 2009