



Fat Kids, Big Kids, Obese Kids and Overweight Kids are dying every day of over feeding and health issues. 

OBESITY is not a nice word. In some parts of the world schools have forbidden children from using that word.

Did you know that William “Bill” Clinton, the ex President of the United States of America, is pushing very hard with strategic initiatives to “Fight Obesity” through the Clinton Foundation.

Cure or No Cure....

What can parents do to HELP?


The life of your child is in your hands 

Experts have intimated that obesity may be the next big health scare like Aids was when it was first realised almost twenty years ago. 

The crazy thing is that we have the power to change our present state, to stop obesity occurring by simply taking positive action. 

Have you ever heard the expression ‘Prevention is better than Cure?’ Well we have what it takes to prevent ourselves from becoming obese. You do not have to result to surgery or having a Gastric Band installed. 

You realise that you cannot undertake this mammoth task by yourself so what do you do?

Yes, you can talk to your doctor or seek council elsewhere and their advice is often pretty good but what you need is someone to guide you and be there for you when you are in need of their valuable support. 

Our daughter and her schools friends came across Brian Grasso by accident whilst researching Child and Youth Obesity at school.  When she came home, that evening as a family we spoke of her findings and began to delve deeper into “Who is Brian Grasso?” 

I was dumb struck

This guy is truly “Brilliant” I am in awe of this guy and of his works; ability; relentless drive and determination; and he has built a global reputation and our family view his skills as being the equivalent of the Horse Whisperer or Dog Whisperer. He is so in tune with kids today that he brings about change like never seen before. 

Given the opportunity I would love to fly the flag for Brian but that is not my nature as I try to take an objective and un-political view towards weight loss programs; fad diets, swing backs, Atkins, so on and so forth....we both know that 90% of diet plans in the market today are similar and dare I say it a “Con”............ 

However, every now and then someone appears from nowhere and blows you away with their talent, as this is what has happened with us by being aware of Brian Grasso and what he represents. 

Brian Grasso is CEO of the “International Youth Conditioning Association” Click here to visit the IYCA. Brian’s philosophy is Passion; Excellence and Reform and they do bring about change throughout the sports and health industry for the betterment of everyone. 

Brian has surrounded himself with the very BEST experts Click here to visit  each one of them regards Brian as the Market Leader, this is further compounded with the testimonials which are as log as your arm Click here to visit. 

Brian is an acclaimed author and philanthropist whose focus in life is centred on our children of today, for tomorrow. 

The only recommendation we will probably make in 2009 is for everyone, I mean EVERYONE, to read Brian’s latest book of which the title needs no explanation; The Youth Obesity Solution.” This will change YOU for the better and WILL keep you and your body in that new state, long term. 

You have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose by trying.....Please give, your children a fighting chance of a GREAT LIFE as I am sure this is what they crave for. 

The Youth Obesity Solution is a MUST read it is like no other book it is more like a “Road Map” you take one step each day, move forward in “Bite Size” chunks and you will be a WINNER! 

Please read Brian’s “Best Seller” by clicking here.


Brought to you by Robert Parson

Copyright © 2008-2009


Child Obesity Cure!

Read the words very carefully on the advertisement below.......... especially the small print. 


Photograph taken at a bus shelter in Cincinnati OH, USA by Jonathan Olumoy Professional Photographer 

This FACT is very true we are slowly killing off our Kids, in FACT as parents we will no doubt out live them. 

As a loving and supportive parent I’m sure you can remember your childhood, especially those occasions when you had to walk everywhere, be in bed by 7pm, spend time outside with your friends on simple bicycles with juddery brakes, take the dog for a walk, help mum carry the shopping home, help dad in the garden and of course we all watched a little too much television. At least the television then was less aggressive, had a later watershed and only a handful of channels to watch. 

There is a GUARANTEED system that will bring your children back from the brink of Death and as a loving father I strongly recommend that you at least look at it and perhaps maybe, something will kick in and prompt you to take advantage of the support that goes with the system. 

You have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose by trying.....Please give your children a fighting chance of a GREAT LIFE as I am sure this is what they Crave for, deep down inside their hungry tummies. 

How many deaths of helpless obese children
will it take before parents take 
positive action!!

Youth Obesity will not go away, some experts have intimated that obesity may be the next big health scare like Aids was when it was first realised almost twenty years ago. The crazy thing is that we have the power to change our present state, to stop obesity occurring by simply taking positive action. It all sounds a little too easy.

Have you ever heard the expression ‘Prevention is better than Cure?’ Well we have what it takes to prevent ourselves from becoming obese. You do not have to result to surgery or having a Gastric Band installed. 

Click here to learn more as this is for everyone, of all ages, sizes, looks and colour and will bring daily rewards to the children in how they feel about themselves and for the parents who are bonding better with their children as they are committed to a common goal. 

Remember this ‘The life of your child is in your hands.’

This statement is empowering and will motivate you as a loving parent to take positive action and address the obesity issues once and for all. 

There is no time like the present. Click Here and you will never look back again; you will look forward in the knowledge that you have a support mechanism in place which will guide you in your journey to help your children attract friends, date, wear nice clothes and feel great. 

  • Try to avoid, or at least cut down by 75% on ‘High-Fat Foods’ like chocolate, biscuits, cakes and crisps. Try healthier alternatives such as fresh fruit, crusty bread or crackers. When I have a sugar craving I have a teaspoon of unrefined honey.
  • Try to grill or bake foods instead of frying. Fresh beef burgers, fish fingers and sausages are just as tasty when grilled, but have a lower fat content. (Did you know that oven chips are lower in fat than pan fried chips?)
  • Try to avoid fizzy drinks, which tend to be high in sugar. Change them with fresh juices diluted with water or sugar-free alternatives which are yummy.
  • Try to encourage your children to eat dried fruit or tinned fruit in natural juice instead of sweets. Also frozen yoghurt is a yummy alternative to ice cream.
  • If you want to snack have an orange, kiwi fruit or a banana.
  • As a family it is important to work together, by doing so you will all benefit by offering that important support that is vitally needed.
  • Stop ‘Comfort Eating’. Eating regularly every four hours throughout the day will burn fat and you will not be hungry. Prevent your children from eating while watching TV or doing homework.
  •  This is a hard one, try to educate your children to "Listern to their Tummies" to know when they need to eat as opposed to craving for food all the time.
  •  This is also a tough one, try to get your children to hew their food before       swallowing.  As a guide line they should chew their food for ten to fifteen seconds.    By chewing their food the tummy sends a signal to the brain saying that the tummy is  filling up.
  •   Try to keep plenty of fresh fruit, sugar free biscuits, nuts (only if your children don’t  have a nut allergy) and try not to keep lots of  high-fat, high-sugar snack foods in the  home. 

Please take positive action NOW for the sake of your children by reading the next chapter by clicking here. 


“The Life of Your Child

is in Your Hands”



Brought to you by Robert Parson
Copyright © 2008-2009


Old Habits-Die Hard!

Good morning.

Have you heard the above expression before?

I have on several occasions and more recently on TV when a talk show host was addressing the audience with an issue on “Diet” followed on with her tag line “Old Habits Die Hard”.

Most of us, I’m sure you would agree, have at some time in our lives made New Year’s resolutions or experienced something during the day to then stop and say to yourself “I must not do that again” or “I will become......” or “I deserve better” .....you get my drift!!

So what does this have to do with Obesity; Fat Kids; Weight Loss; Fat Teens? In fact it has everything to do with it, you see as I mentioned above we are all guilty of agreeing to do something about “Change” we talk to others, we even talk to ourselves in the craziest of places, in fact I talk to myself in a hot bath or the sauna and for some reason it works for me.

Anyway, as I was saying we have made what is considered at the time a lifelong conviction to “Change” something in our lives or about our person. The big “BUT” is that more often than not we slowly wean ourselves away from our conviction and over time our “Old Habits” are being lived once more, in fact those old habits are even stronger than before.

I’m guilty of this are you?

So what is the solution, if there is one, to help us to see through our convictions to the end.............well to be honest there is no clear cut set of rules or guidelines to follow and besides each and every one of us has a different way of going about how we live, think and do.

However there is something that is quite powerful that I have referred to on more than one occasion and that is to watch a video this is no ordinary video it is rather special it will go a long way to opening your mind and giving you clarity on what has become widely known as “The Secret”.

This video is approximately 24 min long and is available to everyone there is no fee to watch it and you will be amazed at what “The Secret” is....I am itching to tell you but to be fair you will appreciate me holding my tongue.

After you have watched the video you will feel something inside, don’t ignore that feeling....let it grow of its own accord and you will be amazed at what you will experience, it is difficult to say what you will experience but you will notice things in your life changing for the better.

To help you overcome that adage “Old Habits Die Hard” and you see yourself slim, attractive and being desirable you may want to try some “Visualization” techniques that will help you in your journey.

I refer back to this technique occasionally when I want to manifest something or attract a person or action and it pretty much happens. What you need to do is follow these steps;

·        Be comfortable where you are sitting or find somewhere where it is quiet, peaceful it could even be at bedtime.

·        Think about a time in the future when you see your “New Self” hold that image in your mind.

·        Now take two or three deep breaths through your nose hold each breath for one second and exhale through your mouth then breathe normally.

·        Your blood is well oxygenated now, you will be calmer, relaxed and your sub conscious mind is open for the next instruction.

·        You are looking at a mirror you are seeing a reflection in the mirror of the “New You.”   Look closely at that image. Imagine shaving yourself or applying makeup as if you are preparing for a date with the person of your dreams.

·        Look even closer at that image,  see the “New face” smiling back at you, you see a happy face a slim face, bright eyes, eyes that are radiating warmth, love and fun.

·        Now hold that image in your mind and slowly drift off to sleep or take a cat nap for ten to fifteen minutes.

Using images this way will over time bring about change; watching “The Secret” video will enforce this further and finally I would recommend reading the Youth Obesity Solution by clicking here.

You are now equipped like Sylvester Stallone or Arnold Schwarzenegger going into battle to WIN....and you will, because you now have the mind set, the determination and the will to bring about that change that you so rightly deserve and those old habits will have died forever.


Please remember

“The life of your child is in your hands”


kenzo recovering after our family walk 

Brought to you by Robert Parson
Copyright 2008-2009

Why is my child

“BIG & FAT”!


Good evening.

I wanted to bring this article to your attention as quickly as possible following supper with a few friends at our house.

One of our friends, whom we have not seen for a while, was casually talking about her sister who was experiencing difficulties in raising her son. What transpired is that her son, at the age of two years was the weight of a five year old, could hardly walk and spoke only a few words.

That conversation took my interest immediately and drew me away from the guys who were discussing their cars.

You see this women is happily married, her husband has a steady job and is home by 6.45 pm each evening, a comfortable home with one good family holiday at summer.

So what’s the problem?

The boy “Toby” is a bit of a handful, a screamer, throws tantrums which most Kids do in the early years....the mother Clare has great difficulty hushing the boy and resorts to “Stuffing” his face with all kinds of fatty foods and Calpol.

For those of you who are unaware of what Calpol is, it is a syrup type medicine regularly used in the UK, that you can buy over the counter, and is a remedy for pain and fever associated with coughs and teething but it can cause drowsiness.

It further transpired that two or three times a week the father would bring home “Junk Foods” which were shared by all, he had a passion for apple tart and ice cream.

At this time I asked the mum’s if the parents of Toby were overweight in any size or shape to see if there might be a link with the Big Kid.

As it so happened both Mom and Dad were a tad on the large side, or to use the expression of the sister “Bloody Enormous”, and she went on to say that her sister was never that way when she was younger, she was lean and fit. 

She went on to add that when she met and married Mark they slowly fell into a comfort zone of gorging on any kind of food, day and night, to the point in which they were often sick through eating so much.

But they never realised the impact they might be having on Toby!! 

Dr Travis Stork explains when interviewed on CBS Healthwatch the "Risks" that obese kids are susceptable to and recommends parents to take positive action.

Today thankfully, Toby is much more of a normal boy his mass has decreased enormously as a result of their family doctor recommending Clare to cut out the Calpol, ditch the junk food that they consume weekly and exercise Toby a little more regularly.

As for Mom and Dad it appears they too have amended the error of their ways by adjusting the way they eat, little by little and over time I’m confident they will as a happy family grow together in a more balanced way.

Thank you for taking the time to read this brief article, I strongly felt that this story would appeal to you as it did with us.

You may like to read further on “Support” and the “Will” to lose that “Obese” look by Clicking Here.

Please remember

“The life of your child is in your hands”


Brought to you by Robert Parson
Copyright 2008 - 2009


Experts or “Common Sense” - Obese/Overweight




Thank you for taking the time to read this article which has been put together based on a number of personal experiences and observations that I found over time with families with Big Kids who many perceived as being overweight, Big and Fat and obese.


I am not going to bore you with stats but tell it like it is. The article is honest and is not written to annoy or upset anyone.


Are you aware that Kids who are introduced to junk foods as early as three are more likely to evolve into overweight and even reach the critical status of “Obesity” by the time they are in their teenage years?


There have been countless studies undertaken by “Experts in Nutrition” and “Experts in Lifestyle” with enough documents to fill a small bedroom with the net results pointing in the same direction that:


·       Your environment may contribute to how you feel about yourself, thus leading to comfort eating

·        Your parents over-feed you through kindness, as it is easier for them to give into a child’s request for food rather than say “No”.


Come on, we are all adults and good parents, we know the difference between good and bad; right and wrong; the do’s and the don’ts......but most of us forget that children especially fast growing kids want food almost all the time and it is convenient for us parents to give biscuits, chicken nuggets, beef burgers, microwave dinners, crisps, so on and so forth...I’m sure you get the picture!!


Are you perfect? Well No!


But we do love our Kids and want the very best for them. Interesting comment “Want the BEST for them” you know deep down that we give our kids what we lacked in our childhood, be that toys, love, experience, friends, travel, money, sense of security etc.


But we seem to have great difficulty when it comes to “Over Feeding” our children with the wrong stuff....how often do you hear your child ask for a carrot to eat? Or Mom can I have a salad for lunch? Or Mom I’ve had enough chocolate, can I have a banana! 




Picture taken by Jonathan Olumoya in Cincinnati OH, USA


It just does not happen, the only time I have observed this is when a neighbour of ours. who is hell bent on educating his daughter with a rod of iron to get the best grades/scholarship; the daughter came to our birthday party recently and was not allowed to eat any of the yummy foods that all the other girls were tucking into.....she sat there with a long face, you could see in her eyes that this 13 year old was hurting and new that soon she had to leave the party early to study more, leaving behind those funny Kids to enjoy themselves.


Are her parents wrong? That is difficult to debate, all we do know is that this is their perception of what their daughter needs for her “Wellbeing”.....but at what cost.


Most of us are blessed with Common Sense this wonderful gift that is bestowed upon us that helps us to make decisions with clarity, gives us insight before we leap, directs us when to make a decision and a small percentage of us do try hard to lead a “Balanced Lifestyle” encompassing downtime where the whole family spends quality time together, eats together, goes for walks together.

This time together allows us to “Buddy” each other, share our views and opinions, talk about nonsense or issues of the world and be grateful for the “Food that we Eat”.


Kids of the world are our future, they need to be coached, mentored and helped in their early years we do not want to find ourselves in a position that Kids are obese and overweight and are dying before us. That will be a calamity of our generation if we as parents let this happen.


In conclusion;


1.   You have the power within you to “Change” however small that change is. Over time I can assure you that change will be monumental.

2.     You know what food is good for your Kids so give it to them and occasionally indulge your Kids with chocolate or a burger or ice cream.

3.     You can influence your Kids as much or as little as you want. YES it is your call but I ask you “What do you really want for your kids?”


Our family would like to recommend that you take a serious look at the Youth Obesity Solution by clicking here.



“The Life of your child is in your hands”



Brought to you by Robert Parson

Copyright 2008-2009


Youth Obesity Solution - “YOS©

Children have always been aware of their weight; parents are slowly taking on board the reality of their children suffering on account of poor parenting.

Historically speaking, one could look back over time and almost pinpoint which year subtle changes became apparent in children such as behaviour, habits and obsessions.


As an example, within the last twenty years the computer has played a key part in the lifestyle evolution which has brought about change in children’s attitude towards life as a whole.


As a loving and supportive parent I’m sure you can remember your childhood, especially those occasions when you had to walk everywhere, be in bed by 7pm, spend time outside with your friends on simple bicycles with juddery brakes, take the dog for a walk, help mum carry the shopping home, help dad in the garden and of course we all watched a little too much television. At least the television then was less aggressive, had a later watershed and only a handful of channels to watch.


I am not running down evolution for the sake of this article; of course there have been good things to come out of the phenomenal growth such as cures, choices, freedom but you must not lose sight of the fact that most people are far better off today than they were twenty or thirty years ago.  So what does this all mean? Well you could draw the conclusion , by saying  that “convenience” is one cause of the obesity pandemic,  making affordability and accessibility to junk foods engineered to taste yummy;  great discounts to attract you with mouth watering advertising and over time you becomes obsessive without realising it.


Blame can be apportioned out to several parties but this article is not politically biased so I will not venture into that gray area.


Youth Obesity will not go away, some experts have intimated that obesity may be the next big health scare like Aids was when it was first realised almost twenty years ago. The crazy thing is that we have the power to change our present state, to stop obesity occurring by simply taking positive action. It all sounds a little too easy. Have you ever heard the expression ‘Prevention is better than Cure.’ Well we have what it takes to prevent ourselves from becoming obese.


Therefore, parents must take the ‘bull by the horns’ and implement a stable solution that will reduce their children’s body fat by doing fun things on a daily basis. I am not talking about enrolling at your local health club or strict regimes that will only deter your children from participating.  To get results you need to apply a little balance between what you eat, when you eat, how you eat, with between ten to fifteen minutes of light exercise such as climbing the monkey frame, shooting basketball, swimming, walking briskly, to name a few.


YOS” (Click YOS to learn more) is for everyone, of all ages, sizes, looks and colour and will bring daily rewards to the children in how they feel about themselves and for the parents who are bonding better with their children as they are committed to a common goal.


Remember this ‘The lives of your children are in your hands.’ This statement is empowering and will motivate you as a loving parent to take positive action and address the obesity issues once and for all. There is no time like the present. Visit “YOS” and you will never look back again; you will look forward in the knowledge that you have a support mechanism in place which will guide you in your journey to help your children attract friends, date, wear nice clothes and feel great.


As a suggestion, try to keep food in the cupboard that is enjoyable to eat and nutritious. Look at crusty bread, potatoes, pasta, rice and chapatti and perhaps porridge in the morning which should provide half the energy in a child's diet, Eat these foods before 1pm. Also look at the following guidelines;

  • Try to avoid or at least cut down by 75% on “High-Fat Foods” like chocolate, biscuits, cakes and crisps, try healthier alternatives such as fresh fruit, crusty bread or crackers. When I have a sugar craving I have a teaspoon of unrefined Honey.
  • Try to grill or bake foods instead of frying, fresh beef burgers, fish fingers and sausages are just as tasty when grilled, but have a lower fat content. (Did you know that oven chips are lower in fat than pan fried chips!)
  • Try to avoid fizzy drinks which tend to be high in sugar. Change them with fresh juices diluted with water or sugar-free alternatives which are yummy.
  • Try a healthy breakfast of a porridge oats made with water or low fat milk with fruit or compote on top is a good start to the day which I enjoy.
  • Try to encourage your children to eat, instead of sweets, dried fruit or tinned fruit in natural juice. Also frozen yoghurt is a yummy alternative to ice cream.
  • If you want to snack have an Orange, Kiwi Fruit or a Banana.  
  • As a family it is important to work together by doing so you will all benefit by offering that important support that is vitally needed.

  • As parents you want to lead by example do so by adjusting your own eating habits which will go a long way to motivating your children to follow your example.
  • Stop "Comfort Eating" by eating regularly every four hours throughout the day you will burn fat and not be hungry. Prevent your children from eating while watching TV or doing homework.

Each member of our family is a Buddy(Click Buddy to learn more) helping each other to watch what we eat and when we eat, and wow, does it work. 

Who will be your “Buddy”? 

Thank you for reading this article I hope it was of value and you do act upon it by clicking on YOS”. 

Please remember

 “Your children’s lives are in your hands”


Kenzo is our best “Buddy” he
brings great joy and warmth to the family.

Brought to you by Robert Parson
Copyright © 2008-2009