
Old Habits-Die Hard!

Good morning.

Have you heard the above expression before?

I have on several occasions and more recently on TV when a talk show host was addressing the audience with an issue on “Diet” followed on with her tag line “Old Habits Die Hard”.

Most of us, I’m sure you would agree, have at some time in our lives made New Year’s resolutions or experienced something during the day to then stop and say to yourself “I must not do that again” or “I will become......” or “I deserve better” .....you get my drift!!

So what does this have to do with Obesity; Fat Kids; Weight Loss; Fat Teens? In fact it has everything to do with it, you see as I mentioned above we are all guilty of agreeing to do something about “Change” we talk to others, we even talk to ourselves in the craziest of places, in fact I talk to myself in a hot bath or the sauna and for some reason it works for me.

Anyway, as I was saying we have made what is considered at the time a lifelong conviction to “Change” something in our lives or about our person. The big “BUT” is that more often than not we slowly wean ourselves away from our conviction and over time our “Old Habits” are being lived once more, in fact those old habits are even stronger than before.

I’m guilty of this are you?

So what is the solution, if there is one, to help us to see through our convictions to the end.............well to be honest there is no clear cut set of rules or guidelines to follow and besides each and every one of us has a different way of going about how we live, think and do.

However there is something that is quite powerful that I have referred to on more than one occasion and that is to watch a video this is no ordinary video it is rather special it will go a long way to opening your mind and giving you clarity on what has become widely known as “The Secret”.

This video is approximately 24 min long and is available to everyone there is no fee to watch it and you will be amazed at what “The Secret” is....I am itching to tell you but to be fair you will appreciate me holding my tongue.

After you have watched the video you will feel something inside, don’t ignore that feeling....let it grow of its own accord and you will be amazed at what you will experience, it is difficult to say what you will experience but you will notice things in your life changing for the better.

To help you overcome that adage “Old Habits Die Hard” and you see yourself slim, attractive and being desirable you may want to try some “Visualization” techniques that will help you in your journey.

I refer back to this technique occasionally when I want to manifest something or attract a person or action and it pretty much happens. What you need to do is follow these steps;

·        Be comfortable where you are sitting or find somewhere where it is quiet, peaceful it could even be at bedtime.

·        Think about a time in the future when you see your “New Self” hold that image in your mind.

·        Now take two or three deep breaths through your nose hold each breath for one second and exhale through your mouth then breathe normally.

·        Your blood is well oxygenated now, you will be calmer, relaxed and your sub conscious mind is open for the next instruction.

·        You are looking at a mirror you are seeing a reflection in the mirror of the “New You.”   Look closely at that image. Imagine shaving yourself or applying makeup as if you are preparing for a date with the person of your dreams.

·        Look even closer at that image,  see the “New face” smiling back at you, you see a happy face a slim face, bright eyes, eyes that are radiating warmth, love and fun.

·        Now hold that image in your mind and slowly drift off to sleep or take a cat nap for ten to fifteen minutes.

Using images this way will over time bring about change; watching “The Secret” video will enforce this further and finally I would recommend reading the Youth Obesity Solution by clicking here.

You are now equipped like Sylvester Stallone or Arnold Schwarzenegger going into battle to WIN....and you will, because you now have the mind set, the determination and the will to bring about that change that you so rightly deserve and those old habits will have died forever.


Please remember

“The life of your child is in your hands”


kenzo recovering after our family walk 

Brought to you by Robert Parson
Copyright 2008-2009