
Why is my child

“BIG & FAT”!


Good evening.

I wanted to bring this article to your attention as quickly as possible following supper with a few friends at our house.

One of our friends, whom we have not seen for a while, was casually talking about her sister who was experiencing difficulties in raising her son. What transpired is that her son, at the age of two years was the weight of a five year old, could hardly walk and spoke only a few words.

That conversation took my interest immediately and drew me away from the guys who were discussing their cars.

You see this women is happily married, her husband has a steady job and is home by 6.45 pm each evening, a comfortable home with one good family holiday at summer.

So what’s the problem?

The boy “Toby” is a bit of a handful, a screamer, throws tantrums which most Kids do in the early years....the mother Clare has great difficulty hushing the boy and resorts to “Stuffing” his face with all kinds of fatty foods and Calpol.

For those of you who are unaware of what Calpol is, it is a syrup type medicine regularly used in the UK, that you can buy over the counter, and is a remedy for pain and fever associated with coughs and teething but it can cause drowsiness.

It further transpired that two or three times a week the father would bring home “Junk Foods” which were shared by all, he had a passion for apple tart and ice cream.

At this time I asked the mum’s if the parents of Toby were overweight in any size or shape to see if there might be a link with the Big Kid.

As it so happened both Mom and Dad were a tad on the large side, or to use the expression of the sister “Bloody Enormous”, and she went on to say that her sister was never that way when she was younger, she was lean and fit. 

She went on to add that when she met and married Mark they slowly fell into a comfort zone of gorging on any kind of food, day and night, to the point in which they were often sick through eating so much.

But they never realised the impact they might be having on Toby!! 

Dr Travis Stork explains when interviewed on CBS Healthwatch the "Risks" that obese kids are susceptable to and recommends parents to take positive action.

Today thankfully, Toby is much more of a normal boy his mass has decreased enormously as a result of their family doctor recommending Clare to cut out the Calpol, ditch the junk food that they consume weekly and exercise Toby a little more regularly.

As for Mom and Dad it appears they too have amended the error of their ways by adjusting the way they eat, little by little and over time I’m confident they will as a happy family grow together in a more balanced way.

Thank you for taking the time to read this brief article, I strongly felt that this story would appeal to you as it did with us.

You may like to read further on “Support” and the “Will” to lose that “Obese” look by Clicking Here.

Please remember

“The life of your child is in your hands”


Brought to you by Robert Parson
Copyright 2008 - 2009